Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Beauty (?)

Something really opened my eyes widely. Something that I really wanna do it, instead one of my resolutions is to be BEAUTIFUL. Inside out preferably.

What is the definition of beauty to you?

What is/are the main criteria(s) to be beautiful?

My doctor once said that people nowadays think that if that person is beautiful then he/she is successful, in which this statement might go wrong. They tend to do all kinda plastic surgeries to fix what-they-might-think-not-beautiful. Sounds scary but the truth is they should be consulted with psychiatrist first. One more, people always and always think that having a fair, smooth? and non-acne face is beautiful. Media is just too overwhelmed with all those ads just to make all these people(especially girls) to spend money on all sorts of creams.

Maybe I should change my resolution. I don't care what people might think of me, because I am who I am. I know that I'm not that beautiful but I can change my attitude to be beautiful so that everyone is happy with me, near me and having me in their life. Be thankful on what we have today, and the day after. Sometimes we just don't realized how lucky we are until Allah take it away from us. And lastly, beauty lies in the eyes of beholder. So girls, be who you are and confidence is the key. Change your attitude. I'm saying this to myself too.

This is only from my perspective.

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